Taekwondo is one of the most systematic and scientific Korean traditional martial arts, that teaches more than physical fighting skills. It is a discipline that shows ways of enhancing our spirit and life through training our body and mind.
The name Taekwondo is derived from the Korean word "Tae" meaning foot, "Kwon" meaning fist and "Do" meaning way of. Taekwondo means "the way of the foot and fist". (The name Taekwondo, however, has only been used since 1955 while the arts' roots began 2,300 years ago in Korea). Fast forward to today, where Taekwondo is now the national sport of South Korea and has spread to over 211 countries and is widely practiced as a martial art and as an Olympic sport.
Enhance Self-esteem by heightening your physical and mental power. Build confidence by encouraging you to succeed and to take control of your life. Develop discipline by thoroughly training your body and mind in the tenets (Courtesy, Integrity, Perseverance, Self-control, Indomitable Spirit ) and techniques of Taekwondo.

Taekwondo has five disciplines:
Basic movement | Forms (patterns) | Self-Defense | Break test | Sparring

Benefits of Taekwondo training:

IMPROVING YOUR BODY Self Defense, Flexibility, Endurance, Coordination, Reflexes, Speed, Strength, Agility, In-Shape.

IMPROVING YOUR MIND Positive Mind Set, Confidence, Self-Esteem, Self-Control, Ability to deal with Adversity, Discipline, Respect for Others, Build Character, Focus in School/Work

Physical Benefits

  • Improved Reflexes and Coordination increases your performance in all Physical activities
  • Increased Strength and Stamina boost your energy so you feel great all day long
  • Increased Flexibility and Weight Control, for better overall fitness.
  • Great Cardiovascular Work Out keeps you in good shape physically.
  • Mental Benefits

  • Improved Concentration for better work and study habits.
  • Stress Reduction & Increased Levels of Relaxation for a longer, healthier Life
  • The Peace of Mind that comes from knowing that you are able to Protect Yourself & Your Family
  • Increased Self Confidence & Self Discipline to develop a positive attitude toward life!
  • Taekwondo Dobok & Tti(Belt) Ranking System:

    Taekwondo Dobok: Dobok is the Taekwondo uniform. Do means "way" and bok means "clothing." Taekwondo Dobok consists of pants, top and Tti(belt). Except for the Tti, the pants and top is white in color. The reason why the color of Taekwondo uniform is white is to symbolize the purity of the martial art. All trainees should wear the same Taekwondo uniform in order to better express their technique and individuality. The jacket of the Taekwondo uniform has two sides, the left side represents Yanggi and the right side represents Umgi. Yanggi represents the mind and Umgi represents strength.

    Taekwondo Tti(belt): The Tti(belt) represents the purpose of the training and the degree of technique according to its color. The comparison of movement between people who have Dan or Kup represents the difference in the body movement and mind. The Tti(belt) that is tied around the waist connects the upper part and lower part of Taekwondo uniform and covers the center of the body. To wear the belt can help to deliver the power to the muscle that connect Meongmunhyul(acupunture point) of waist and body center of lower abdomen.

    Who Practice under somasfit Students and practitioners are honored with belts and ranks for being disciplined, skilled, and dedicated to their art.

    THE BELT RANKS IN ORDER ARE AS FOLLOWS: In Taekwondo, the stages of training are divided into beginner | Intermediate | Advanced | Back Belts.

    Taekwondo belts are used to signify the rank and progression of a practitioner within the martial art. Each belt color represents a different level of expertise, knowledge, and skill. The belt system helps students set goals, track their progress, and provides a clear path for advancement. As students improve their abilities, they undergo belt tests or examinations to demonstrate their proficiency and earn the next belt color. The order of belt colors may vary between different Taekwondo schools or organizations, but the general progression typically includes the following colors (from beginner to advanced):

    The cost for Taekwondo belt level tests can vary depending on the martial arts school or academy you attend. Generally, the cost may include testing fees, the cost of the new belt, and any associated administrative fees. The price may also differ based on the level of the test and the location of the school.

    2019 Stucture - Academy and Official Belt Test & Certification Fees

    Beginner or Junior Belts:
  • White Belt – The first belt each student will receive upon beginning Taekwondo with Uniform.
  • White One Belt – 9th Gup. (Test Fees - Rs. 1000/-)
  • Yellow Belt – 8th Gup.(Test Fees - Rs. 1500/-)
  • Yellow One Belt – 7th Gup. (Test Fees - Rs. 2000/-)
  • Green Belt – 6th Gup. (Test Fees - Rs. 2500/-)
  • Green One Belt – 5th Gup. (Test Fees - Rs. 3000/-)
  • Intermediate Belts:
  • Blue Belt - 4th Gup. (Test Fees - Rs. 3500/-)
  • Blue One Belt – 3rd Gup. (Test Fees - Rs. 4000/-)
  • Advanced Belts:
  • Red Belt – 2nd Gup. (Test Fees - Rs. 4500/-)
  • Red One Belt – 1st Gup. (Test Fees - Rs. 5500/-)
  • Black Belts:
  • 1st Dan to 9th Dan Black Belt.